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Dental extraction: Why Do You Need It?

As kids, losing our teeth was determined so that our permanent teeth could come in. But, as adults, you aren't supposed to lose your teeth. In fact, your permanent teeth are intended to last for the duration of your existence.

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What Is Dental extraction? 

The process of tooth extraction near me means removing a tooth or two from your mouth. If a tooth is cracked or broken as a result of rotting, your Dentist Near me may try to save the majority of the tooth. The  Best Dentist Near Me does this by placing a crown or filling as a substitute for the remaining portion of the teeth. If the damage is beyond repair, you may have to have your teeth taken out. 

What Are The Main Reasons For Tooth extraction? 

Unfortunately, there are numerous reasons why our teeth may need to be extracted at some point in our lives. The most common of which would be from either trauma (fight, accident, etc.) or decay (inadequate oral hygiene). It is in these situations that the teeth are generally too badly damaged to be efficiently repaired; therefore, emergency tooth extraction is the most viable option. However, there are plenty of other reasons a tooth extraction may be needed, including, but not limited to, the following: 

Infection: In a number of instances, tooth decay causes damage to more than the exterior of the tooth itself and actually affects the pulp, which is the center that contains blood vessels and sensitive nerves. Usually, this requires a root canal; however, sometimes the infection can be so severe that neither a root canal nor antibiotics can fix it. This is when a tooth extraction may be necessary to avoid the infection spreading elsewhere in the mouth. 

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Crowded Mouth: Some people have teeth that are too large for their mouth or even have extra teeth. This can cause a crowded mouth and is a problem when someone needs braces. Sometimes, a tooth tries to come in but is unable to break through the gum because there is simply no room inside the mouth for the tooth. It is in these instances that a tooth extraction may be recommended by your dentist nyc

Gum Disease: Scientifically known as periodontal disease, gum disease is often a reason for teeth to be extracted. 

If you are experiencing pain or swelling in your mouth, you may want to visit your local Emergency Dentist Near Me to ensure there are serious problems. It's always better to be safe than sorry!